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To display blank records in D365FO using X++ when using a form data source outer join, you can follow these steps: 1. Ensure that the data set you are working with includes the blank records you want to display. This may involve modifying the data source query to include the necessary records. 2. In the form design, add a grid control that is bound to the data source with the outer join. 3. In the form's code (in the formRun class), you can use the following X++ code to set up the outer join and display the blank records:

To check if a settlement voucher in AP has a status of 'non-posted' using X++ in D365FO, you can write the following code snippet:

In D365FO, you can retrieve sales order line price details from the trade agreement section using X++ by following these steps: 1. First, you need to create an instance of the PriceDiscTableType table to fetch the trade agreement details. 2. Then, you can use the select method to query the PriceDiscTableType table with the necessary criteria such as the Sales ID and Line Number of the sales order. 3. Next, you can loop through the PriceDiscTableType records to retrieve the price details, such as the PriceUnit and Amount values. Here is an example code snippet to demonstrate how you can retrieve sales order line price details from the trade agreement section in D365FO using X++:

To address the D365 FO VHD license expiry issue in D365FO using X++, you can create a job that checks for the expiration date of the VHD license and renews it if necessary. Here is an example of how you can achieve this: 1. Create a new job in the Development Workspace of D365FO. 2. Use X++ code to query the license information for the VHD and check the expiration date. You can do this by accessing the SysLicenseCode and SysLicenseInfo tables. 3. Check if the license is expired or about to expire (e.g. within 30 days). 4. If the license is expired or about to expire, renew the license by updating the expiration date in the SysLicenseCode and SysLicenseInfo tables. 5. Optionally, you can also send an email notification to the relevant stakeholders informing them about the license renewal. Here is an example code snippet to get you started: ``` static void checkAndRenewLicense(Args _args) { SysLicenseCode sysLicenseCode; SysLicenseInfo sysLicenseInfo; select firstonly sysLicenseCode where sysLicenseCode.Name == 'VHD License'; select firstonly sysLicenseInfo where sysLicenseInfo.LicenseCode == sysLicenseCode.RecId; if(sysLicenseInfo && sysLicenseInfo.ExpirationDate && sysLicenseInfo.ExpirationDate < today()) { // License is expired, renew it sysLicenseInfo.ExpirationDate = today() + 365; // Renew for 1 year ttsbegin; sysLicenseInfo.update(); ttscommit; info("VHD license has been renewed."); } else { info("VHD license is valid."); } } ``` You can schedule this job to run periodically to check and renew the VHD license automatically. Make sure to test the code in a non-production environment before implementing it in your production system.

To create a record in Order line information for other country contexts in D365FO using X++, you can follow these steps: 1. First, create a new X++ class or method in your D365FO development environment. 2. Inside the class or method, use the following code to create a new Order line record in the appropriate table for the desired country context:

There could be multiple reasons why an invoice cannot be deleted in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365FO) due to a workflow error. Some possible reasons include: 1. The invoice is in a workflow approval process: If the invoice is currently in a workflow approval process, it cannot be deleted until the process is completed or cancelled. 2. Workflow permissions: Users may not have the necessary permissions to delete an invoice that is part of a workflow. If users do not have sufficient permissions, they will not be able to delete the invoice. 3. System error: There may be a technical issue or error in the workflow configuration that is preventing the deletion of the invoice. In this case, the system administrator may need to investigate and resolve the issue. 4. Custom workflow actions: If there are custom workflow actions or conditions set up for invoices in D365FO, these may be preventing the deletion of the invoice. Users should check the workflow configuration to ensure that there are no custom actions preventing deletion. In order to delete an invoice that is stuck in a workflow due to an error, users may need to either resolve the workflow error, cancel the workflow approval process, or seek assistance from their system administrator or technical support team to address the issue.

To submit electronic documents for Sales e-invoice (SA) in D365FO using X++, you can use the following code snippets: 1. Create a new Sales Invoice record and populate necessary fields:

You can trigger an error when the second record is checked in D365FO using X++ by adding a check condition in the event handling method for the OnCheckedGridItem event. Here is an example code snippet: ``` [eventHandler(eventStr(FormDataSource, OnCheckedGridItem)] public static void FormDataSource_OnCheckedGridItem(Common sender, FormDataSourceOnCheckedGridItemEventArgs e) { FormDataSource formDataSource = sender as FormDataSource; // Check if the second record is checked if(formDataSource.getSelectedCount() == 2 && e.args().value()) { // Trigger an error message error("Cannot check the second record."); } } ``` In this code snippet, the OnCheckedGridItem event is handled for a FormDataSource object. The code checks if the selected count is equal to 2 and the checkbox for the second record is being checked. If this condition is met, an error message is triggered using the error function.

To implement a 30-day free trial of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 FO) using X++ code, you can follow these steps: 1. Create a new class in your D365 FO project to handle the trial period logic. You can name this class something like "TrialManagement." 2. In this class, create a method to check if the user is currently in the trial period. This method should check if the current date is within the 30-day trial period from the user's sign-up date. 3. Create a method to start the trial period when a user signs up for the free trial. This method should set the user's sign-up date in a custom field in the user entity. 4. Create a method to end the trial period after 30 days. This method should check if the current date is past the 30-day trial period and update the user's status accordingly. 5. Integrate these methods into your application flow, such as in the user sign-up process or in the application initialization logic. By implementing these steps, you can successfully manage a 30-day free trial of D365 FO using X++ code in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

To generate a customized Sales proforma invoice report in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365FO) using X++, you can follow these steps: 1. Create a new custom SSRS report in the Visual Studio development environment. 2. Customize the design and layout of the report according to your requirements. 3. Write X++ code to retrieve the necessary data for the Sales proforma invoice from the D365FO database. This code will typically involve querying the SalesTable, SalesLine, and other relevant tables to fetch the required information. 4. Use the Report Data Provider framework in X++ to define a data provider class that will retrieve the necessary data for the report. 5. Map the data fields retrieved from the database to the corresponding data fields in the SSRS report dataset. 6. Write X++ code to instantiate and execute the SSRS report using the data provider class and pass the required parameters to the report. 7. Generate the Sales proforma invoice report by running the X++ code in D365FO. By following these steps, you can create a customized Sales proforma invoice report in D365FO using X++ that meets your specific reporting requirements.